Corjuem Fort

Corjuem Fort is one of the oldest fort and it's located on the Island of Corjeum in Goa. Distance of the Corjuem Fort 4 km from Aldona Village. It was a military fortress for the defense of Portuguese India. It's smallest fort from other Goa's Forts. The fort provides a beautiful view of the island and demonstrates its strategic importance.

History of Corjuem Fort

The Corjuem fort was built in 1705. It was erected in the island of Goa. It can be stated that the fort was initially occupied by the Bhonsles. However, during the tenure of the Portuguese viceroy in Goa he fort was taken over by the people of the Portuguese origin. The fort was subsequently rebuilt by the Portuguese to boost up defenses along Panji. The fort lost its strategic significance in 1834 and hence was abandoned.

How to go there:

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