Cabo De Rama Fort

Cabo De Rama Fort is located in Canacona, South Goa distance of 30 km from Margo. Cabo De Rama is said to have been built by Hindu rulers and named after the Hindu god Rama.

History of Cabo De Rama Fort

Fort name in honor of ancient Indian epic "Ramayan". It is believed that this place became a home to Rama and his beloved wife Sita during their fourteen-year exile from Ayodha.

The fortres on this site was held by various rulers for many years, and it was in 1763 that it was gained by the Portuguese from the King of Soonda and it renovated subsequently.

The cape is crowned with the fort since ancient times. The fortress was built by Hindu rulers, but during its dramatic history it passed from hands to hands - Muslims, Portuguese, English succeeded one another in the possession of this amazing architecture masterpiece.

The Portuguese equipped it with 21 guns and military barracks, as well as commandant quarters and a chapel. It was abandoned when the Portuguese left this place. Later, this fort housed a government prison till 1955 and was abandoned again.

The western side of the fortress, where the clifts drop sharply to the sea, provides a great view both to the north and south

How to go there:

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