Aguada Fort

Aguada Fort is located on Sinquerim beach in Goa. It is famous for Lighthouse is well preserved 17 centuary Portuguese for standing in Goa and overlooking the Arabian Sea. Aguada is a Portuguese word which means "Watering Place".

History of Aguada Fort

Aguada Fort was constructed in 1612 to guard against the Dutch and Marathas. During its use, ships would stop at the lower fort for supplies and water. Fort Aguada is locates a top of Hilltop near the mouth of Mandovi River. The most feared threat for the Portuguese came from the Europeans in the east, which came true when a Dutch squadron approached the Mandovi in 1604. In 1606, they returned back and settled at the entrance of the river, blocking the harbour and preventing the entry of departure of all the ships.

Aguada fort is housed by a 4 story Portuguese lighthouse, erected in 1864, which is the oldest of its kind in Asia. The lighthouse in no longer in use, having been replaced by a new one constructed recently. It has the capacity of storing 2,376,000 gallons of water, one of the biggest freshwater storage's of the time in whole of Asia. This fort is divide into two segments the upper part acted as fort and watering station, while the lower part served as a safe berth for Portuguese ships.

Aguada fort is the larger fort in Goa and covers the entire peninsula at the south western tip of Bardez Taluka. A part of the fort is converted into a Central Jail and a Luxury beach resort. Two Famous hotels is also closed which is Taj Holiday Village and The Fort Aguada Hotel. It was originally a part of the Fort now has been converted into a resort.

How to go there:

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